
Barbaros Hayreddin 3

Barbaros Hayreddin Episode 3 English Subtitles


After speaking with the King of France, Hayreddin went to the harbor and attacked Doria. Doria starts fighting for her life. Hayreddin attacks with all his might to kill Doria. Godfrey arrives to help Doria and stops Hyreddin. Doria seizes this opportunity and immediately flees to her ship.

Aydin goes to eat at the inn and waits for Hayreddin. Godfrey summons the Grand Admiral’s other troops and begins to stop Hayreddin. Doria returns to her ship and says that she will see Heyreddin again.

Marcela sees Aydin eating and goes to talk to him. Aydin said, the food is very good. Marcela says she used snails for this dish. Aydin leaves the inn and Hayreddin arrives.

Barbaros Hayreddin Episode 3 English Subtitles

Hayreddin says that he first spoke to the king and then attacked Doria in the harbor. An old man bumps into Aydin while walking. Hayreddin realizes that this man is a dervish and immediately embraces him. Darvesh says he traveled the world to learn new things and came to Venice before returning to Istanbul.

Hayreddin says he is in Venice to attend to the sultan’s duties. The dervish is very curious and asks what task the Sultan has given. Sigalzade finally arrived at the palace and told the Sultan what had happened in Venice. The Sultan is not at all surprised by what he hears and says that Charles will soon regret it.

Barbaros Hayreddin Episode 3 English Subtitles

Charles fell asleep after reading the Sultan’s letter. That night Charles had a nightmare. In Charles’ dream, Suleiman arrives and kills everyone in the palace. Charles was startled and woke up immediately. As the queen tries to understand what is happening, Charles burns the letter sent by Suleiman.

Kemankes goes to the palace and tries to gather information about Hayreddin. Ayas says that Hayreddin will never be a Grand Admiral and that he will immediately collect information on the matter.

Barbaros Hayreddin Episode 3 English Subtitles

Sayre says he needs to find a porter immediately for port work. Nazif asks his sister to calm down and says that he will solve the problem immediately. Meanwhile, a captain arrives at the port saying he needs a porter. Sayre says he will help the captain.

Valeria writes a letter to her father. Yahya said he would take the letter to the governor after examining it. Thanks to Valeria Yahya. Dervish wakes up the next morning saying that he has given up going to Istanbul. Hayreddin accepts Dervish’s offer of help and says he wants to go to Doug’s palace. Salih goes to Rome and secretly starts searching for his friend.

Barbaros Hayreddin Episode 3 English Subtitles

Kandieli behaves like a blind beggar in the town square and tries to collect money from people. Salih recognizes his friend and wants to talk to him. Qandieli says she doesn’t know Salih and tells him to stay away from her. As Salih is about to call the guards, Kandieli calms him down and says she agrees to talk to him.

Hayreddin goes to the mansion and says that he has to go inside for the seal that Luna wants. Aydin says that there are many guards around the palace. Hayreddin says he only has forty seconds to get in and then get out.

Barbaros Hayreddin Episode 3 English Subtitles

Kandieli said that after Oruj’s death, she was very upset and couldn’t stop blaming herself. Salih talks to his friend for a while and asks him to help Hayreddin. Darvish says Hayreddin can get inside because of his evolved spear.

Charles learns that a new ambassador is arriving from Venice and that Barbarossa has sent his family to Istanbul. Charles begins to wonder what Barbarossa is trying to do. Nazife makes a deal with a porter to work at the port, but Saira breaks the deal and says the man is a thief. Yahya said he wanted to go to Oliva before going to Venice.

Barbaros Hayreddin Episode 3 English Subtitles

But he is not able to convince the captain. Valeria comes out of the house and talks to a rich Venetian merchant. Valeria asks Oliva for help to get back, but the businessman tells her to be patient. Hayreddin enters the mansion that night using a spear prepared by Dervish and prepares a document using Doug’s seal.

The guards notice Heyreddin and start chasing him. After talking to the merchant, Kemankes learns that Hayreddin’s family is in town and says he wants to talk to them. After reading the message sent by Charles, Doria prepares to leave for Istanbul.

Barbaros Hayreddin Episode 3 English Subtitles

Yahya says he wants to talk to the governor, but learns that he is dead. Hayreddin gives Luna the prepared port deed. Luna is very happy and says that she will help Hayreddin. Luna informs them that soon an ambassador from Venice will visit Charles’ palace. Harreddin says he wants to kidnap this ambassador and send Dervish instead.

Luna speaks of the armored car carrying the messenger. Sayre tries to fix Porter’s problem, but fails. Hayreddin’s family learns Kemankes is coming and begins to prepare. Dervish prepares a gas bomb and says he will get the ambassador out of the armored car. Kemankes goes to Hayreddin’s palace that night and eats there. Kemankes begins to ask questions about Hayreddin and then Sayre.

Barbaros Hayreddin Episode 3 English Subtitles

Hayreddin set out from Venice that night to capture the ambassador. While Charles is writing a letter to the Pope, the Lord tells him that the messenger will arrive soon. The Lord also said that He sent additional sentries for the new messenger. The dervish puts a car on the road and says he will seek help from the approaching soldiers.

Hayreddin and Aydin wait behind a tree for the soldiers to attack. Dervish finds more guards surrounding the car than he expected but continues to execute the plan. Hayreddin and Aydin started shooting at the soldiers.

Barbaros Hayreddin Episode 3 English Subtitles

The coachman steps in to take the messenger to another place. After killing the guards, Hayreddin stops the armored car and throws the gas bomb inside. The envoy came out after a while and surrendered. Hayreddin tells the dervish to get ready to go to the palace, but the ambassador says that he is a friend of the Lord. Hayreddin realizes that Luna is lying.

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